Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hi my name is Harry Neubauer and I am intrigued by the overwhelming
sales letters that are available on the internet. I am an IT guy with a
strong technical internet backround, but I read many claims of making
big money using the internet "In 7 Easy Days" etc.

If you were starting out... that's not possible. Search engines do not
index new sites in such short notice (exception - you spam your site
with thousands of keyword pages. No content just words to keep the
search engines happy). Or you spam hundreds of blog sites with keyword
spam. Neither will last to long and your domain name will be banned.

Many e-marketers would fall into the above catergory, however there are
some e-marketers that would have quality information to guide beginners
in the right direction. My problem is which ones offer tangible
information worthy of investing?

Which guides would help a beginner or intermediate e-marketer and be
worthwhile paying for it? I recognize the importance towards the
marketing fundamentals.

1) Quality product that makes a difference

2) Content rich web pages

3) Build your email list

Many "get rich reports" state these three fundamentals, but why pay $25
- $200 for what most people already know? I guess the e-marketers
believe there are plenty of suckers out there!!

Have you bought one or more products from these hype sales pages, only
to learn little more (except to be more careful with your money in
future!). Then visit and write your
comments, this may help others contemplating to buy the same product.
This goes for criticism and also praising the product quality and how
it affected you.

Harry Neubauer


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